Our society is led by robotically inclined autocratic, avaricious sociopaths who always bully, denigrate, lie and steal their way to what their opaque masters have ordered.

These robots only want more robots to perform allocated tasks which further creates more chaos.

But, if these robotic employers suddenly woke up one morning and decided to be what they really are: human beings, and then treated their employees as human beings with minds, abilities, visions and hopes the working world would become a major engine for change. People, no longer harassed out of their minds, would work faster, better and their homes become more ordered with children now having parents instead of automatons. This vision was held by Charles Dickens who realised that kindness, appreciation and humanity created a world that could work better, and more profitably than the mechanical places that are on offer.

But, have you really looked at the person being really humiliated at work? Did you ever ask yourself what this person may have witnessed that could tumble down the huge charade of the business enterprise? No. Because then we would never have had these massive scandals like the Post Office Scandal, or the IPP Scandal, or the Infected Blood Scandal, or indeed any other scandal. Because then we could have taken immediate action to prevent all those innocent people trying and failing to resolve these failures of humanity and justice.

Does this heartlessness start at home where parents ignore children? Does this heartlessness continue in the breeding grounds of the careless schools? Does this heartlessness then allow these young people to experiment with drugs? Or does it start with me, when I ignore the anguish of the fellow human being right in front of me because I am too self-absorbed?

Then let us resolve to fight this pernicious pretence of life; a life which we are freely gifted; a life which we can repay by giving proper attention to details that release the realities of the situations around us. Then let us wake up and start to live our lives properly, not just while away the precious minutes we have to spend so there is nothing to show at the end.